Muscle gain

Are you struggling to build muscles even though you work out regularly and take care of your diet? There are numerous nutrition myths on building up muscles that are supposed to make you spend a lot of money on expensive dietary supplements that are not even necessary. The highest possible protein intake, BCAAs, EAAs or a protein shake directly after training won’t do you any good if you’re lacking in other areas.  Are you ready to finally build muscles and get the most out of your workout? Book an appointment for a personal consultation today.  

Health insurance

Our consultations are covered by both basic insurance (with a doctor’s prescription) and supplementary health insurance. We are happy to support you in acquiring a medical prescription.

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Offizielles Verordnungsformular für die Ernährungsberatung mit den Kontaktdaten von Compeat Nutrition

blogpost about muscle gain

Ein Sportler bereitet sich in einem Crossfit-Box auf das Gewichtheben vor, umgeben von Hantelscheiben und Kreide für den Grip.

Building muscles in 3 steps

Muscle building is an important topic for many athletes to improve strength and performance. In addition to training and sufficient recovery, nutrition also influences muscle growth. In this blog post, I would like to introduce you to the three most important steps for successful muscle building. In the coming weeks, we will delve deeper into individual aspects, such as protein.