“For me, nutrition is about so much more than just the food we eat. It’s about enjoyment, happiness, health, and supporting your performance—whether you’re an athlete or not. My consultations are guilt-free and designed to show you just how diverse and fulfilling nutrition can be.

I believe in tailoring my advice to suit you and your unique needs. With me, you can speak openly and without judgment about anything on your mind. My goal is to help you discover how small, practical changes can enhance not only your well-being but also your performance.

Céline offers consultations at the following locations: Basel, Frenkendorf and online.”


Bachelor of Science in nutrition & dietetics
CAS Sports nutrition
CAS applied nutrition psychology
CAS Healthcare Leadership & Management


SVDE (Swiss Association of Nutritionists)
SSNS (Swiss Sports Nutrition Society)
SVDE Specialist Group for Sports Nutrition
Athletes Health Network


German & English

Consultation Topics

  • Sports Nutrition
  • Nutritional Psychology
  • Weight Management
  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Cholesterol / Diabetes
  • Lactose Intolerance
  • Celiac Disease
  • Rheumatic Diseases


  • Track and Field athletics
  • Running
  • Triathlon
  • Football (Soccer)
  • Handball
  • Volleyball
  • Swimming
  • Artistic Swimming
  • Figure Skating
  • Combat Sports
  • Strength Training/Fitness

about Céline

Originally, I dreamed of studying graphic design, but I ultimately decided to pursue my other great passion—nutrition. This path not only led me to my career as a nutritionist but also allowed me to express my creativity through designing business materials and managing social media for Compeat Nutrition and other companies.

When it comes to food, I love experimenting with new recipes, often inspired by Thai cuisine. I enjoy hosting friends and surprising them with culinary creations. These moments of sharing and connection are incredibly important to me.

Sports have always played a significant role in my life. As a child, I was involved in track and field and later explored a variety of activities, including surfing and pole dancing. This diversity reflects my curiosity and desire for challenges.

Sports nutrition has been a focus of my consultations since 2018, beginning with my work at Merian Iselin Clinic in collaboration with Basel Talents, a program supporting young athletes in Basel. In 2021, I founded my own practice, Compeat Nutrition Céline Matter, initially part-time and since mid-2023, full-time, dedicated to sports nutrition. In 2024, Compeat Nutrition became an LLC, which I now co-manage with my colleague Seraina Kohler.

My life motto? “If nothing goes right, go left.” I firmly believe that there is always a way to overcome challenges and discover new opportunities. This philosophy guides me both professionally and personally, motivating me to keep moving forward and not let setbacks discourage me.

Publications & Interviews (in german)

  • Interview zum Tag der gesunden Ernährung – crossklinik, 07.03.2022 – Link
  • “Die Top 10 der gesündesten Thai-Gerichte” – Interview zur thailändischen Küche mit der Basler Zeitung, 06.02.2022 – Link
  • “Spitzengamer setzen neu auf Ernährungsberatung” – Interview und Videobeitrag mit und von 20 Minuten – Link
  • “Wir sollten diese Angst vor Kohlenhydraten verlieren”- Interview mit Blue News, 31.03.2021 – Link
  • Podcast “Biggie bir Ernährigsberaterin – mit Céline Matter” 18.02.2021 – Link
  • SRF News: “Was ist E-Sport? Eine Ex-Spitzenathletin erklärt” 01.02.2021 – Link
  • „Fit in den Winter“ Publikation im Sonderheft “Schnee” des Magazins SnowActive von SwissSki, November 2020 – Link
  • “Kein Freipass fürs Essen” – Sport allein lässt keine Kilos purzeln – Interview mit Blue News,  22.10.2020 – Link
  • “Kraftvoller Aufschlag mit den richtigen Kohlenhydraten”- Artikel im Magazin des Cross Tennis Open, 10.05.2020 – Link
  • “Allein unter Männern: So lebt es sich als Schweizer eSportlerin Interview mit  Swisscom, 19.02.2019 – Link
  • „Gsund: trotz Fast Food gesund essen“ – TV Beitrag von Tele Basel, 23.10.2018 – Link 
Eine lächelnde Céline Matter in einer schwarzen Jacke lehnt an einer verglasten Balustrade mit Blick auf eine Stadtlandschaft im Hintergrund.
Eine Gruppe von vier Personen sitzt um einen Tisch mit Wasserflaschen und Früchten, während eine junge Frau im Stehen ein Gespräch leitet.
Céline Matter in blauem Sportoberteil dehnt sich auf einer Yoga-Matte und berührt ihre ausgestreckten Fussspitzen.
Céline Matter in blauem Oberteil arbeitet an einem Schreibtisch in einem hellen Büro, vor ihr ein Computerbildschirm, eine Tastatur und eine Pflanze.


Would you like to book an appointment with me? Simply click the button on the right. If you have any questions beforehand, feel free to send me an email.