Iron deficiency

Athletes, especially in endurance sports, often have an iron deficiency. Iron is lost due to the increased demands on the muscles and increased sweating. High training loads can also have a negative effect on iron absorption. It is therefore all the more important to eat an iron-rich diet and to know which nutrients can promote or inhibit iron absorption. To ensure that your performance doesn’t suffer from this. What sounds simple in theory often becomes a challenge in practice.  If you regularly suffer from an iron deficiency and cannot maintain the iron levels despite supplementation, it is worth taking a look at your eating habits. We can always find ways to optimise them.

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blogpost about Iron deficiency

eine Sportlerin steht vornüber gebeugt auf einer Strasse und wirkt erschöpft

Iron deficiency in sports

Iron plays a significant role in the body and is especially important for athletes. It has an important part to play in both oxygen transport and energy metabolism. Despite its importance, iron deficiency is often diagnosed in sports. This is especially the case for women and endurance athletes. In this blogpost you can learn about our iron requirements and why iron deficiency is common in sports.
Verschiedene proteinreiche Lebensmittel, darunter Lachs, Hühnerbrust, rote Bohnen, Walnüsse und Gemüse wie Rosenkohl und Brokkoli, auf einer hellen Oberfläche.

Iron-rich diet - this is how it works!

An iron-rich diet plays an important role in preventing iron deficiency. In addition to the amount of iron we consume through our diet, other factors also play a role. There are so-called "iron robbers" and, on the other hand, substances that promote iron absorption. In this blogpost you will learn how to adjust your diet to prevent iron deficiency.